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Tank Floor Scanning (MFL)

At Eagle Eye NDT, ensuring the integrity of your storage tanks is paramount. Tank Floor Scanning with Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) emerges as a powerful tool in our arsenal for safeguarding your tanks from the threats of corrosion and pitting. This non-destructive testing (NDT) method offers a reliable and cost-effective approach to identifying potential weaknesses in your tank floors.

Applications: Safeguarding Tanks Across Industries

MFL tank floor scanning offers a valuable service for various industries that rely on storage tanks:

  • Oil & Gas: Ensuring the integrity of storage tanks for oil, gas, and refined products is crucial to prevent leaks, spills, and environmental hazards. MFL scanning helps identify potential weaknesses before they become catastrophic failures.

  • Chemical Processing: MFL scanning safeguards storage tanks used for chemicals, preventing leaks that could pose safety and environmental risks.

  • Water & Wastewater Treatment: It is essential to maintain the integrity of tanks used for storing water and wastewater. MFL scanning helps identify corrosion that could compromise water quality or lead to tank leaks.

  • Food & Beverage: MFL scanning helps ensure the integrity of tanks that store food and beverage products, preventing contamination risks.

Limitations to Consider

While MFL offers significant benefits, it has limitations:

  • Limited Depth Detection: MFL is primarily effective for detecting corrosion and pitting on the tank floor's surface and near-surface areas.

  • Ultrasonic Follow-Up Required: MFL identifies areas of potential concern, but ultrasonic testing is often needed to confirm the extent of wall loss or pitting.

  • Interpretation Expertise: Analyzing MFL data and accurately identifying the nature of defects requires trained and experienced NDT technicians.


Tank Floor Scanning with Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) stands as a cornerstone NDT method for safeguarding the integrity of your storage tanks. By offering a reliable, cost-effective, and efficient way to detect corrosion and pitting, MFL empowers you to proactively address potential issues, ensure the safety of your operations, and extend the lifespan of your valuable tank assets.

The Science Behind the Scan: How MFL Works

Imagine a method that utilizes the power of magnetism to peer beneath the surface of your tank floor, revealing hidden corrosion. That's the essence of MFL tank floor scanning. Here's a breakdown of the process:

  1. Magnetic Muscle: The scanner employs strong magnets close to the tank floor surface.

  2. Magnetic Flux Generation: As the magnets are activated, they generate a powerful magnetic field that penetrates the steel floor of the tank.

  3. Leakage Reveals the Flaws: If the floor has areas of corrosion or pitting, they disrupt the flow of the magnetic field, causing magnetic flux leakage.

  4. Sensor Savvy: Specialized sensors within the scanner detect these leakage areas and signal the technicians in real time.

  5. Data Acquisition: The technicians record the location and severity of the identified leakage areas.

  6. Ultrasonic Verification: For confirmed areas of concern, follow-up ultrasonic testing is often performed to measure the extent of wall loss or pitting precisely.

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Benefits: A Clear Advantage for Tank Maintenance

Tank Floor Scanning with MFL offers several advantages:

  • Reliable and Cost-Effective: MFL provides a reliable method for detecting corrosion and pitting at a lower cost than other NDT methods.

  • Single-Sided Access: MFL scanning only requires access to one side of the tank floor, making it ideal for limited internal access.

  • Real-Time Detection: Sensors alert technicians when areas of concern are identified, allowing for prompt evaluation.

  • Fast and Efficient: MFL scanning can be conducted relatively quickly, minimizing downtime for your tank operations.

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