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Spark Holiday Testing

At Eagle Eye NDT, protecting your assets with a flawless coating is crucial. The presence of "holidays," pinholes, or voids in the coating can compromise its effectiveness and lead to potential corrosion or damage. Eagle Eye NDT's Spark Holiday Testing service offers a quick and reliable method to identify these discontinuities in your coatings, ensuring optimal protection for your infrastructure.

Applications: Safeguarding Coatings Across Industries

Spark Holiday Testing offers a valuable service for various industries that rely on protective coatings:

  • Oil & Gas: Ensuring the integrity of coatings on pipelines, storage tanks, and processing equipment prevents corrosion and safeguards against leaks or spills.

  • Petrochemical: Verifying the quality of coatings on vessels, piping systems, and other components used in the petrochemical industry minimizes risks associated with leaks and potential failures.

  • Water & Wastewater Treatment: Maintaining the integrity of coatings on storage tanks, pipes, and processing equipment used in water and wastewater treatment facilities is essential to prevent contamination and ensure optimal performance.

  • Marine: Inspecting coatings on ships, offshore structures, and other marine assets ensures protection against corrosion in harsh saltwater environments.

  • Construction: Verify the quality of coatings applied to buildings, bridges, and other structures to safeguard against corrosion and ensure the long-term integrity of the infrastructure.

Limitations to Consider

While Spark Holiday Testing offers significant benefits, it has limitations:

  • Surface Detection Only: The test primarily detects holidays on the coating's surface and may not identify defects deeper within the coating material.

  • Limited Sensitivity: Minimal holidays or those filled with conductive material may not be detected.

  • Sparking Safety: The test involves sparking, and proper safety precautions are essential to prevent accidental ignition in explosive environments.


Spark Holiday Testing is a valuable method for safeguarding the integrity of your coatings. Eagle Eye NDT's team of experienced technicians and our commitment to safety protocols ensure a reliable and efficient inspection process. By identifying holidays early on, you can take corrective actions to ensure your coatings' long-term performance and effectiveness.

Harnessing Electricity for Flaw Detection: How Spark Holiday Testing Works

Spark Holiday Testing utilizes a simple yet effective principle to detect holidays in coatings:

  1. Conductive Connection: A grounding cable is attached to the conductive base material (usually metal) beneath the coating.

  2. Electrode Application: A specially designed probe with a metal fibre tip is placed on the coating surface.

  3. Voltage Ramp-Up: Our trained inspectors carefully apply a low voltage through the probe. If a holiday is present, the current will flow, creating a spark at the point of discontinuity.

  4. Gradual Increase: The voltage gradually increases until a spark is observed, indicating a holiday. The required voltage indicates the coating thickness.

  5. Systematic Inspection: The probe is moved systematically across the coated surface to ensure comprehensive coverage.

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Benefits: A Clear Advantage for Coating Inspection

Implementing Spark Holiday Testing offers several advantages:

  • Fast and Efficient: The method is relatively quick to set up and conduct, minimizing downtime for your coating operations.

  • Cost-Effective: Spark Holiday Testing offers a reliable and affordable solution for detecting holidays in coatings.

  • Non-Destructive: The test does not damage the coating, making it ideal for routine inspections.

  • Easy to Use: The equipment is portable and relatively simple to operate, making it suitable for various field applications.

  • Adjustable to Coating Thickness: The voltage can accommodate different coating thicknesses.

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