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Remote Field Testing Inspection

At Eagle Eye NDT, we understand pipelines' critical role in various industries. Ensuring their integrity is paramount for safety and operational efficiency. Remote Field Testing (RFT) emerges as a powerful tool in our arsenal for inspecting the condition of your pipes. This non-destructive testing (NDT) technique offers a comprehensive and reliable method for detecting internal and external defects within your pipeline system.

Applications: Uncovering Flaws Across Industries

RFT's effectiveness in detecting internal and external flaws makes it a valuable tool for various applications:

  • Pipeline Integrity Assessment: RFT is ideal for inspecting pipelines transporting oil, gas, water, and other critical materials. It helps identify potential weaknesses before they lead to leaks, spills, or catastrophic failures.

  • Heat Exchanger Inspection: The ability to inspect through thick walls makes RFT suitable for examining heat exchangers for defects like corrosion or cracking in the tubes.

  • Pressure Vessel Inspection: RFT ensures the integrity of pressure vessels used in various industries by detecting internal flaws that could compromise their safety.

  • Boiler Tube Inspection: Early detection of defects within boiler tubes using RFT helps prevent boiler failures and ensures operational safety.

Limitations to Consider

While powerful, RFT has limitations:

  • Limited to Conductive Materials: RFT effectively inspects conductive materials like steel pipes. It may not be suitable for non-conductive materials like plastic or concrete pipes.

  • Surface Preparation Required: For optimal results, the inner surface of the pipe may need to be cleaned to ensure proper probe passage and signal transmission.

  • Interpretation Expertise: Analyzing RFT data and accurately identifying the nature of defects requires trained and experienced NDT technicians.


Remote Field Testing (RFT) is a cornerstone NDT method for comprehensive pipe inspection. Its ability to detect internal and external flaws with high sensitivity across a range of pipe wall thicknesses makes it a valuable tool for safeguarding pipeline integrity in various industries. By incorporating RFT into your inspection regime, you can gain valuable insights into the health of your pipes, proactively address potential issues, and ensure your pipeline system's safe and reliable operation.

How Does RFT Work?

Imagine a method that utilizes electromagnetic fields to peer through the walls of your pipes, revealing hidden flaws. That's the essence of RFT. Here's a breakdown of the process:

  1. The Probe Does the Talking: A specialized probe containing a transmitter and receiver coil is inserted into the pipe.

  2. Electromagnetic Field Generation: The transmitter coil generates a low-frequency alternating current, creating a magnetic field that travels through the pipe wall.

  3. Defect Disruption: If there are any anomalies within the pipe wall, such as cracks, corrosion, or variations in thickness, these defects disrupt the flow of the magnetic field.

  4. Signal Analysis: The receiver coil detects these disruptions and transmits the resulting signal for analysis.

  5. Defect Identification: The analyzed signal data helps pinpoint the identified defects' location, size, and nature within the pipe wall.

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Benefits: A Clear Advantage for Pipe Inspection

RFT offers several advantages over other NDT methods for pipe inspection:

  • Through-Transmission Technique: Unlike eddy current testing, which primarily detects surface defects, RFT's through-transmission nature allows for the detection of both internal and external flaws with high sensitivity.

  • Ferromagnetic Material Friendly: Unlike ultrasonic testing, RFT is well-suited for inspecting ferromagnetic materials like steel pipes, which can be challenging for ultrasonic waves.

  • High Sensitivity to Wall Thickness Variations: RFT is highly sensitive to even minor variations in pipe wall thickness, making it ideal for detecting potential areas of weakness.

  • Fast and Cost-Effective: RFT inspections can be conducted relatively quickly and efficiently, minimizing downtime and inspection costs.

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